Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Why People Hate John Cena

John Cena is the WWE’s poster boy... and has been for the last... 9 years, which in wrestling terms feels like a millennia, he has been at the top longer than Hulk Hogan, Bret hart, Stone Cold and The Rock ever was in their Primes. And yet by the vast majority of the WWE fans (I refuse to call it a universe) that aren’t teenage girls or little kids, he is despised!. Not like disliked... he is vilified. And the WWE i don’t think understands why he’s hated, they sell Anti-Cena t-shirts but they don’t understand why. And here it is... Change...
Cena has had the same lame vanilla ice fake marine gimmick for ten years... thats a decade. Think about this. Hogan through the 80’s and 90’s wore the red and yellow, tore of the t-shirt took his vitamins and said his prayers, the audience by 96 got bored of the same crap. And to Hogan’s credit he knew he had to change and roll with the times he helped form the NWO, he became the ‘Bad Guy’ and in a way become even just as popular, another is The Rock, he went from the all American hero Rocky Maivia, to the leader of the nation, to the corporation to the peoples champ, to the Hollywood sellout and yet despite all that The Rock is loved and cheerished by ALL fans, much like Austin did, Triple H and even the Undertaker they changed and rolled with the times Its got nothing to do with his(lack of) wrestling ability or the crappy promo’s its just currently on WWE tv CM Punk is the most interesting character to watch because he has evolved so much in the last yearr and half from the disgruntled employee to the pipebomb champion of the voiceless to his alliance with Paul Heyman and becoming a weesle of a champion and the fact that at the time he was 400 days plus as champion, unheard of in todays era, he knows how to connect to the fans on every level, whilst cena is strugglin to get any positive reaction from fans
It would be silly to say that Cena is not in the same league as Hogan he is the top guy in the WWE whilst currently CM Punk is the Randy Savage the second top guy... But Savage was always the more fascinating to watch than Hogan, had the better feuds and had the better matches I’m Doing My Best not to Bash Cena, but change is necessary in this business, people get tired really quickly of the same shtick and Cena has been Doing The same shtick for 10 years.

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